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Monday, 3 November 2014


Things You Didn't Know About Jeans

You have always been crazy about your jeans. You spend enough times and money to own a pair of denims. You care for it. But have you ever thought when, how and where it was invented. Here are some of the unknown facts about jeans.

  • The word 'Jeans' came from the French phrase bleu de Gênes.

  • The word 'denim' originated from the name of French city, Nîmes (de Nîmes).

  • Often the term "jeans" refers to a particular style of pants, called "blue jeans" and invented by Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss in 1873.

  • 20th MAY is the official 'birthday' of blue jeans because it was the day on which Levi Strauss, Levi's jeans inventor and Jacob Davis, the owner of the concept of riveted jeans pants, received patent of the rivets no.139.121 from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

  • Initially, Jeans were merely durable trousers worn by workers, particularly within the factories and for cowboys throughout World War II.

  • You will find the word 'YKK' in majority of jeans zippers. In Japanese language, YKK stands for 'Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha', which means 'Yoshida Company restricted'. A Japanese zipper manufacturer, Tadao Yoshida has started this organization in 1934.

  • During World War II, jeans for men had the zipper down the front, whereas jeans for women had the zipper down the right side.

  • When you buy a clothing garment like jeans, over half of the cash goes to those who sell it and solely 12% goes to the makers.

  • Most of the mills that build a 'heavy' material, denim, are commonly located near to the cotton crops because these denim material needs large quantities of cotton.

  • Nearly all jeans are stitched along in many thousands of low-wage ‘sweatshops’ and personal homes round the world. The statistic came from the number of poor countries where jeans are rarely worn however large quantities of denim are imported.

  • North America accounts for 39% of global purchases for jeans, followed by Western Europe at 20%, Japan and Korea at 10% and the rest of the world at 31%.

  • Every American owns, on average, seven pairs of jeans.

  • First name for jeans was "waist overalls" or simply “overalls” before 1960. Levi Strauss modified it to its well-liked name of “jeans.”

  • Most Expensive Jeans – an original pair of Levi Strauss & Co (USA) 501 jeans aged over one hundred fifteen years recent were sold by Randy Knight (USA) to an anonymous collector (Japan) for $60,000 (£33,230) through net auction website eBay on June fifteen, 2005.

  • Currently most expensive jeans: Dussault Apparel’s Trashed Denim jeans are priced at $250,000.

  • World longest Jeans is formed by China, it's sixty eight meters long, thirty five meters wide and weighing three tons (Guinness World Record).  



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